
[转] 如何突破自己的界限



  • Understand the truth about your habits.
    They always represent past successes. You have formed habitual, automatic behaviors because you once dealt with something successfully, tried the same response next time, and found it worked again. That's how habits grow and why they feel so useful. To get away from what's causing your unhappiness and workplace blues, you must give up on many of your most fondly held (and formerly successful) habits. and try new ways of thinking and acting. There truly isn't any alternative. Those habits are going to block you from finding new and creative ideas. No new ideas, no learning. No learning, no access to successful change.
  • Do something-almost anything-differently and see what happens.
    用不同的方法做事,看看效果。Even the most successful habits eventually lose their usefulness as events change the world and fresh responses are called for. Yet we cling on to them long after their benefit has gone. Past strategies are bound to fail sometime. Letting them become automatic habits that take the controls is a sure road to self-inflicted harm.世界每一天都在发生变化,哪怕曾经让你无比成功的习惯,也不可能适应各种情况。尝试用不同的方法做事,不要害怕失败,不要成为习惯的傀儡。
  • Take some time out and have a detailed look at yourself-with no holds barred.
    Discovering your unconscious habits can be tough. For a start, they're unconscious, right? Then they fight back. Ask anyone who has ever given up smoking if habits are tough to break. You've got used to them-and they're at least as addictive as nicotine or crack cocaine.
  • Be who you are.
    It's easy to assume that you always have to fit in to get on in the world; that you must conform to be liked and respected by others or face exclusion. Because most people want to please, they try to become what they believe others expect, even if it means forcing themselves to be the kind of person they aren't, deep down.做你自己。很多时候我们不是在做自己,而是在做别人眼中的自己。大多数人都会有取悦别人的想法,希望达到别人的期望,哪怕是让自己变成自己都不愿意成为的人。
    You need to start by putting yourself first. You're unique. We're all unique, so saying this doesn't suggest that you're better than others or deserve more than they do. You need to put yourself first because no one else has as much interest in your life as you do; and because if you don't, no one else will. Putting others second means giving them their due respect, not ignoring them totally. Keeping up a self-image can be a burden. Hanging on to an inflated, unrealistic one is a curse. Give yourself a break.
  • Slow down and let go.
    Most of us want to think of ourselves as good, kind, intelligent and caring people. Sometimes that's true. Sometimes it isn't. Reality is complex. We can't function at all without constant input and support from other people. Everything we have, everything we've learned, came to us through someone else's hands. At our best, we pass on this borrowed existence to others, enhanced by our contribution. At our worst, we waste and squander it. So recognize that you're a rich mixture of thoughts and feelings that come and go, some useful, some not. There's no need to keep up a façade; no need to pretend; no need to fear of what you know to be true.很多人都希望自己是一个充满智慧、优秀、受人爱戴的人。有时你的确是,有时却不一定。现实太复杂了,我们需要不断从别人那里获取信息和支持来完成任何事情。我们所拥有的东西和知识都来自于别人。有时候,通过这些外界的帮助,我们可以做的更好。但有时却无法很好的利用。所以,要了解自己是一个思想和感觉的复杂结合体,这些思想和感觉有时候很有用,有时候不。不需要给自己戴一个面具,也不需要伪装自己什么都行,更没有必要因为发现自己的弱点而感到恐惧。




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