


What is SBIE? SBIE (Small Business Integration Engine) is a BIE client that can connect trading partners with unstable connections or small hardware to BIE. For more information email info@brunswickwdi.com [top of list] Are there any business cases that have successfully implemented BIE? Yes and we will be glad to share some of our experiences with you and advise you how to use BIE to meet your business needs. For more information email info@brunswickwdi.com [top of list] Why would WDI create a product like this? Good Question. As a part of Brunswick, we created BIE to solve problems that we live, breath, and troubleshoot on a day-to-day basis. [top of list] Is BIE expensive? Absolutely not. The software is free, lowering your total implementation cost. BIE is affordable for large or small businesses. [top of list] How secure is our data? We have encryption...BIE is completely secure. The data can also be stored wherever you feel most comfortable. [top of list]


Do I need Java to run BIE? Yes. The Windows and Linux installers come with Java packaged in them. You need Java 1.4 and above. [top of list] What OS platforms are supported? BIE will run on any OS (Operating Systems) that supports a Java 1.4.jre. Typically this means any modern 32-bit or 64-bit operating system like Unix, Windows, Linux, or BSD. [top of list] What language is BIE written in? Java. Specifically J2EE Java 1.4. [top of list] Does BIE support web services? Yes, BIE uses web services as its primary transport mechanism. [top of list] We have "homegrown" functionality, will this work? Yes. BIE is highly flexible and scalable. We have found that we adapt well to most technologies currently in place. [top of list] How does BIE translate documents? It translates data between two W3C XML schemas using XSL. [top of list] Do I need to know Java to use BIE? It depends on what you want to do. If you wish to write new transport layers then yes, but if your only concern is doing translation and using the system then you don't need to know any Java. [top of list] What does the architecture look like? You tell us. BIE allows you to set up a variety of what we call business models. You can host BIE, someone else can host BIE for you, or each player can host their own BIE. [top of list]

Trading Partners

Some of my business partners only have dial-up connection. Can I integrate with them using BIE? Yes. We have successfully integrated business partners who have only dial-up connections. For more information please email us at info@brunswickwdi.com [top of list] Do all my business partners need BIE? No. Your business partners may use SBIE to integrate with your own infrastructure. We can help you to assess your needs and infrastructure. For more information, please contact our support team. [top of list] How will this help my trading partners? BIE allows your trading partners to use their own documents and systems to conform to your system requirements. This eliminates the double entry (and data entry mistakes) common with portal or extranet solutions. [top of list]

BIE - For Users

Can I schedule routes to run when I need them to? Yes, BIE has a flexible scheduler component under the listeners section of the Dashboard. You can instruct routes to run on a predefined interval. [top of list] How do I add new features and get support for BIE? You can contact us for support and custom features. Also, consider our Fund-A-Feature program. [top of list] Can BIE be run as a Windows service? Yes. You can integrate BIE with Java Wrapper Service and runs it as a Windows service. In addition, we have eased your pain a little by providing the wrapper.conf and InstallBIE-NT.bat file in the installation. [top of list] What is the default login when I first install BIE? The username is: admin and the password is: 123qwe [top of list] I've downloaded the sofware, now how do I get started? There is an installation HOWTO available at http://www.brunswickwdi.com/installation. A quick tutorial on running the sample route is also available at http://www.brunswickwdi.com/quick_tutorial. [top of list] What data types can BIE transform? Pretty much anything. Out of the box it can transform delimited files (CSV, Tab, etc), fixed width files, and even relational data like an SQL database. You can also plug in additional transformation parsers if you need something special. [top of list] Can BIE only translate XML documents? Yes and no. BIE's translation engine uses XML, therefore it can only translate XML documents. However, BIE can transform all sorts of data types to and from XML. That means BIE can actually translate almost any data type. [top of list] What other transport layers does BIE support? BIE has a pluggable architecture so we can add virtually any transport mechanism. BIE supports HTTP (Post & WS), HTTPS (Post & WS), SMTP, File System, and FTP (Put & Get). [top of list]


My install/upgrade failed. What do I do next? Installation and upgrade log files are generated in the logs directory by the installer. An error report should be available there. [top of list] How do I create a new SSL for BIE? You can create new SSL Certificates for BIE. Further information can be found within BIE Docs [top of list]


PROFILE_NOT_FOUND-The configuration profile was not found in data base. Production No SystemProfile with name='Production'." This error usually occurs when the initial database load failed, or the data in the database has become corrupt. Run a select * from SystemProfile sql command from the machine running bie with a MySQL client to validate that the data is there and it can be accessed. [top of list] What databases are supported? BIE does not support any database other than MySQL for its internal configuration data. Any database that has a jdbc driver available can be used by the workflow engine to query external data sources. To use a third party driver, you will need to add the drivers jar file to the classpath in start.bat or start.sh. The driver can then be specified in the sql type actions. [top of list]

What kind of Schema support is built into the Map Builder? The Map Builder supports the W3C Schema standard. Other schema lanugages can be supported by adding new Schema interpreters. [top of list] Do I need to know how to build a schema to use the Map Builder? BIE's Dashboard has a W3C Schema generating component that can create Schemas for you. On the BIE Dashboard go to: Message Formatters -> Add/Edit Format -> Generate Schema [top of list] Do I need to know XML or XSLT in order to use the Map Builder? No. The Map Builder has a drag and drop GUI which works for users who do not know XML or XSLT. [top of list]

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