
Sourceforge 使用日记

2006/7/1 发现sf.net的项目搜索功能相当强大;

  • 高级查询条件设置界面;
  • 自定义过滤器;
  • 可选排序设置;
  • 右侧的项目分类树型目录;
  • detail、image切换开关;




2006/10/26 sf.net网站有升级,项目管理界面更好用;

2006/11/1 在sf.net注册帐号后,可以监视某个项目的论坛变化;


SourceForge 既是一个合作式软件开发管理系统,也是全球最大开源软件开发平台和仓库(SourceForge.netsf.net)。尽管如此,SourceForge网站程序本身是VA Software出售的专有软件。它集成了很多开源应用程序(例如PostgreSQLSVNCVS),为软件开发提供了整套生命周期服务。

SourceForge.net是开源软件的开发者进行开发管理的集中式场所,也是源代码仓库。SourceForge.net由VA Software提供主机,并运行SourceForge 软件。大量开源项目在此落户(2005年5月已经超过一百万), 包括维基百科使用的MediaWiki,但也包含很多休眠和单个用户的项目。

SourceForge网站程序的源代码曾经也是开放的,但是后来VA Software决定不再继续发布开源版本。它可能是从2001年起变为专有软件继续开发的。在封闭前最后的正式的开源版本是2.5,而最后的CVS版本是 2.61。




2003年VA Software首次发布了SourceForge Enterprise Edition 4.x,将其做为Java-J2EE程序完全重写。由采用SourceForge 4.x的组织报告说其性能和伸缩性相对SourceForge 3.x或者更早的2.x明显改善。SourceForge 4.x为将来的集成和扩展支持SOAP XML Web Services API

Technorati :


1、开源参考架构- OSRA: Open Source Reference Architectures,下载PDF
2、开源成熟度模型-OSMM: Open Source Maturity Model ,下载pdf

Technorati :


Google Picasa 图片库

采用Google Picasa作为在线图片库,myPicasa






photo-EVRYDAY1 photo-HANDS photo-DOCUMENT
photo-EVRYDAY3 photo-EVRYDAY2

Technorati :



















Technorati :


Google Spreadsheet 试用(中外科技史比较)



  1. 亮点一:可以Import/Export微软的Excel文件格式,这在电脑上没有装M$ office就很有帮助了;
  2. 亮点二:可以邀请他人参与,分编辑和查看两种,尤其酷的是当有多人同时view或edit某文件时会出现chat 界面,大家可以一边聊天一边编辑,而这一切只需安装了浏览器就可以了。Oh my god,我长久以来的梦想实现了;
  3. 不足一:没有文件版本管理功能,这对协同编辑来说是一大缺陷,而wiki还有Google的Writely都有版本管理功能;
  4. 不足二:有些Excel文件导入时遇到缺失数十行的情况,随机的出现中文不能输入但可以拷贝的情况(Firefox+紫光或微软拼音)。


Technorati : ,

BIE-WDI Debuts First Open Source Business Integration Engine

WDI Debuts First Open Source Business Integration Engine

Published: 5/15/2003 5:00 am

New tool from Brunswick division helps companies integrate data across platforms without high software fees

VERNON HILLS, ILL. (May 15, 2003) - Web Den Interactive (WDI), the forward-looking development division of Brunswick New Technologies, A Brunswick Company (NYSE:BC), today announced the release of the code for the first widely available open source business integration engine (BIE). The product is designed to help organizations exchange data created in different applications on various platforms with partners, suppliers, and customers to streamline their processes and to improve efficiency.

WDI's BIE offers an integration system that is completely platform independent. As a result, organizations are able to exchange data easily with external trading partners (whose systems were designed to meet their own needs) without the need for extensive redesign of legacy systems, or the creation of individual Web sites for each partner. WDI is the first to adopt the open source model, placing integration within the reach of even small and mid-size organizations. Gartner Group has estimated that the worldwide integration market will reach $10.5 billion in 2006, labeling it one of the fastest growing areas in IT.

"As a manufacturing organization, exchanging data with trading partners is a challenge we know all too well," says T.J. Chung, President of Brunswick New Technologies. "BIE was originally developed as an internal project to modernize this process for the Brunswick family of companies and its partners. When we looked at how easy it is to use, and how effective it is at solving the many business challenges that face manufacturers with independent dealer networks, we realized other organizations could benefit from BIE as well."

One of the key features of BIE is a 4GL GUI that simplifies mapping between documents from external sources and internal systems. Users can point and click to make a simple connection from one side to the other (and back), as well as add business rules in between using an extendable, built-in macro system. As a result, simple documents can be mapped in 15 minutes rather than the one to two days it takes to develop custom code. In addition, the map can be developed by anyone who understands the business data, freeing up high level programmers or developers for other critical tasks.

Another unique feature of BIE is that it gives administrators the ability to configure virtually every function and process through its intuitive web-based dashboard. Administrators can manage security, view reports, configure system properties, manage maps and parsers, and even build business processes using any standard Web browser.

"Our objective was to deliver a complete product," says Michele Lambert, WDI General Manager. "With other integration tools, first you buy the basic tool, then you have to buy additional modules to perform various functions. That didn't seem right to us. We want our customers to have everything they need to integrate internal and external systems from day one."

BIE is the first widely available open source software to use the BMPI's Business Process Modeling Language (BPML). In addition, it incorporates only W3C XML schemas, eliminating the data transfer difficulties caused when proprietary schemas are used, while its core technologies are Java and Web-services based. This thinking reflects WDI's commitment to open standards and the open source movement as a whole.

"Making BIE available through the open source community will give organizations of all sizes the ability to fulfill this critical need without the risk of huge up-front investment required by commercial software applications," says JT Smith, WDI Director of Technology. "They'll be able to try the software for themselves, without making a huge monetary commitment. For the risk-averse, having all the resources of the open source community as part of our development team will help insure that BIE is the most stable, bug-free integration system available."

BIE is distributed as open source software under the GNU General Public License (GPL) through the WDI web site (www.brunswickwdi.com) as well as on the open source collaboration site, SourceForge.net. WDI offers professional services, documentation, and technical support on a fee basis, as well as exclusive-use commercial licenses.

About WDI

WDI is the forward-looking development division of Brunswick New Technologies, A Brunswick Company (NYSE: BC). In Brunswick's tradition of Genuine Ingenuity, WDI is committed to using bleeding edge technologies and open source software to help manufacturers overcome business challenges and improve business processes cost-effectively. For more information, contact: WDI, 200 Fairway Drive, Suite 184, Vernon Hills, Illinois 60061; phone 847-970-6820; fax 847-970-6869; www.brunswickwdi.com; info@brunswickwdi.com. # # #

Technorati :


WDI Business Integration Engine(BIE) 6.0.3 【说明:为选择EAI产品,我们取Fiorano Business Integration Suite、CastIron Application Router1000、WDI Business Integration Engine 和Orion Rhapsody Integration Engine 1.3作了对比评测,下文是对WDI BIE的描述】

1、产品介绍 BIE是业界的首个开源EAI产品. BIE用于帮助组织与分销商、供应商、客户间交换在异构平台上的不同应用产生的数据,以求改进流程、提高效率。 BIE是一个性价比高,轻量级的集成解决方案,它很好地实现了许多广泛应用的集成方法并逐步演进为面向服务的集成工具。 从一开始就为具备多样化的后端系统、大型零碎的分布式网络的制造商业者开发,BIE提供了为复杂环境提供了集成能力。 BIE具备零活型、可扩展性和可升级能力,使之能够集成广泛多样的应用系统-甚至是其他的集成工具-迅速而低投入的。 BIE附带了一个图形化的数据转换映射工具Map Builder 和 web界面的环境以帮助开发、发布和管理集成项目。

2、测试报告 BIE是我们测试的唯一开源产品。它视为在Brunswick集团内部公司使用而开发的,WDI也是下属公司之一。BIE是我们发现的首个开源EAI工具,它的功能组织良好,加上价格优势以面对竞争对手。 BIE不像对手那么精良。我们不得不自己寻找和安装需要的JDBC驱动程序,它的流程设计界面也不够智能。但是如果你是需要的是一个瘦客户端的开发和管理环境,你会喜欢BIE。所有的集成开发、发布和管理都是通过Web浏览器实现。如果Web界面像其他厂家的胖客户端一样智能、易用,我们可能宁愿选择无需部署客户端。不过,因为Web界面更少智能、更少功能,我们不大喜欢这种模式。 对于内置支持的数据库(只有MySQL),我们也有一些失望。不过,从数据库厂商的网站下载和安装免费的JDBC驱动程序倒也不算太痛苦。和Fiorano和Cast Iron,BIE可以为你探测数据库布局,但做法与它的对手不同。我们输入一个SQL查询,BIE检索数据兵生成一个XML形式的模式文件。 在BIE中开发一个集成实例很简单,但Web特性让流程看起来有些混乱。例如,在其它产品中,我们选中一个图标拖动就可以了,但在BIE中,不得不点击一个连接,然后显示一个可供选择的清单。可用,但不如其他产品智能。 管理已发布的集成实例很简单,从开发和发布应用的同一个界面,我们也可以看到可搜索的事务日志和系统日志。 总的来说,BIE是高度可扩展的。如果你所在的组织接受开源软件,又不需要MQ Series集成支持,那就开始使用BIE吧。如果需要支持,WDI为BIE提供咨询服务。

Technorati :

BIE资源-欢迎加入Google BIE Group

因为在博客上介绍了BIE(Business Integration Engine),不断收到希望交流的邮件,因此在Google上建了一个中文讨论组,欢迎加入。

Google group -BIE china 或者 Google group Beta - BIE China


比特酋长:BIE FAQ
BIE Sourceforge
Integretel公司BIE v.s. IWay XML Adaptor选型Demo(PowerPoint已转为pdf格式),加入Google group可获得。

Reference BIE

【Retrieved from "http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Business_Integration_Engine_or_BIE"】

References to BIE-gpl

Technorati :

BIE解剖-附件(BIE developer resume)

BIE是一个非常不错的系统。但BIE的资料实在很少,官方提供的文档需要付费,但在其论坛中发现,好像付了钱还不一定能收到货,唉,有了商业版 Redberri,开源版就歇菜了。不过幸好现在有了另一个开源项目bie-gpl。说远了,总之就是想表达一个意思-为了了解bie,任何资料都不能放过。

Senior Developer

WDI (a division of Brunswick Corporation), Vernon Hills, IL

  • Built enterprise Java applications for Brunswick divisions and clients.
  • Lead developer on BIE (branded commercially as Redberri), WDI's flagship EAI application:

Built on JBoss, with a business process engine exploiting JMS for highly concurrent and loosely coupled execution, with a web-based interface built with standard J2EE- tools.

-Features connectors into and out of a wise array of systems (including SQL and non-SQL databases, file systems, HTTP/FTP/SCP and web services) and EDI document formats (including XML, CSV, ANS X12, UN/EDIFACT, HL7, and SAP IDOC).

Involved heavy use of XSL, XPath, and visual mapping tools for document translation.

  • · Lead architect and developer for SBIE, a lightweight distributed agent/application server used as an integration client with BIE:

Business-critical component in client integration projects.

Designed for centralized configuration and update, with no required user interaction.

Tailored for deployment in resource limited, disconnected, and intermittent systems.

Written in Java, with custom class loading, SSL/HTTPS, file system management, remote monitoring, and SOAP components.

  • Drove client project development, including project conception; requirements analysis and gathering; estimation and cost analysis; delivery and deployment; and maintenance and support.
  • Administered developer resources, including CVS, Red Hat/Fedora Linux, SMB, NFS, MySQL, automated build and test environment.
  • Heavy exposure to EAI, BI, and SOA technology, including BMPL, BPEL/BPEL4WS, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, and B2B/B2C e-commerce.
  • Nurtured active open source community for BIE.
  • Mentored junior developers and interns.

Technorati :

Technorati :


What is BIE?

  • 概要

BIE是一个开源的集成系统,它使企业与外部合作伙伴之间更容易的交换数据,不论对方原来的系统是什么。它实现了与MS BizTalk相同的功能,但它是用Java开发的,因而是真正跨平台的。

  • BIE Features in a Nutshell


  • How do you use BIE?

用RouteBuilder设置消息流,可以增加各种action如FTP Get/Put,Email,FileSystem,HTTP post

  • BIE由如下几部分组成:

BPEL Engine - 解释执行用户设计的流程,调用Data adaptor和其他插件完成实际功能;
BPEL Designer - 流程设计器,最大的特色是完全基于html+Javascript;
MapBuilder - XML文件映射工具,生成的xslt文件由引擎调用完成数据转换;

Data Adaptor - 多种数据适配器,设计采用plugin架构,可方便插拔,可以很方便的引入另一个开源项目openAdaptor的数据适配器。

SBIE - 这是BIE通常被忽略的部分,相当与EAI中常说的采集终端或探针软件。

Technorati :





2/ant dbman可用配置记录
Type: HSQL Database Engine In-Memory
Driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
URL: jdbs:hsqldb:J:\opensource\workspace\BIE6.0.4\dist\services\hypersonic
User: sa
Password: BIE

ant run
ant debug

ant InstallDB 说明:建表并加入初始数据,就是执行util目录下的create.sql
ant cleanDB 说明:删表,就是执行util目录下的create.sql
ant makeupgrade?
ant upgrade?
ant load (尚未调好,参考qa,与qa竞争有重复)

ant distDBInit 说明:建库HSQLDB(BIE_DB)
ant removeDB 说明:删除数据库
ant distMap 执行出错,但ant dist后dist目录下ant runMaptool没问题
ant distQA=>dist/qa

ant dist=》dist:ant installdb=》dist:ant run

5、 如何创建新版本并产生安装、升级文件?
假设新版本为: 6.0.6

2)执行ant dist

需要直接修改dist目录下build.xml文件以指定参数(rundiff -from-to参数);
diff的替代软件-windiff、cvs diff;

$ ant -Dversion=6_0_6 makeUpgrade


说明:升级一方和被升级一方都只能是ant dist生成的dist目录。

ant -Dxbotts.home=D:\Application\BIE6.0.4\dist upgrade

Dashboard URL: http://localhost:5803/,https://localhost:5803/(SSL HTTP端口)
HSQLDB端口:5891 (参见BIE_DB.properties)
WebService列表: http://localhost:5803/services
JBoss服务器Web管理界面: http://localhost:5803/web-console

即商业版所说的远程客户端(Remote Client)。大部分功能类可以由中心自动下载,由BIE中心配置客户端,SBIE自动下载配置信息。
upgradeDir用于存放从BIE server下载的jar包。
RRC configuration配置的其实是SBIE的conf文件;
RRC package上载的其实是供RRC下载试用的jar包,下载后放在?目录下;


客户端需设定用户登陆+配置client name,双重指定

mapBuilder中数据库的xml schema映射要求从根开始;
导出map archive文件时会根据map文件定义自己寻找schema文件
第一步指定的resource directory是要导入jar的目录名,


10、MySQL JDBC 连接不上的问题


11、 BIE发展方向

ant load
ant performance



下载BIE-gpl 6.0.5源码。
换mysql jdbc为3.1.7
删除Java jre
搜索并删除10m以上文件(java sdk、jre)
修改 <copy todir="${dist}/drivers" file="lib/mysql-connector-java-3.1.7-bin.jar"/>

Severity Description Resource In Folder Location Creation Time Id
2 The declared package does not match the expected package CombineClientService.java BIE6.0.5/plugins/actions/aggregation/src line 1 2006年6月25日 12:20:09 9745
2 The declared package does not match the expected package GatherClientService.java BIE6.0.5/plugins/actions/aggregation/src line 1 2006年6月25日 12:20:09 9741
2 The declared package does not match the expected package GroovyClientService.java BIE6.0.5/plugins/actions/groovyAction-JSR03/src line 1 2006年6月25日 12:20:15 9842
2 The declared package does not match the expected package JythonClientService.java BIE6.0.5/plugins/actions/JythonAction1_3/src line 1 2006年6月25日 12:20:17 9921

16、Register Driver
Register a new JDBC Driver by uploading the Driver's jar or zip file. Specify the fully qualified
Class name for the Driver's class.


register driver数据存放在哪里?


junit测试中mapforce生成的xslt 1.0版通过,xslt2.0版提示有不支持的方法,估计时xalan版本问题。

19/SBIE 的配置

功能:监视watchDir,有文件则通过soap webservice的simpleDocumentTransfer送往BIE server,完成后将文件移到finishedDir目录。





ant 任务区分大小写
bie-gpl 的 eXist bat文件有问题?
Database action的 delete类只是封装一个runService接口,实际工作由com.webdeninteractive. bie.commons.relationalxml包完成

BIE dashboard上有用jws启动mapbuilder的连接,但无法使用,说缺jnlp文件。

Technorati :



* Axis, Xerces. Xalan, Commons, and WSIF, JSTL
* Ronab FTP Server
* ByteArrayDataSource.java

* Kunststoff Look&Feel www.incors.org.

* ExoLab http://www.exolab.org
* NSIS http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Docs/AppendixF.html#F.

* Java FTP Client http://www.enterprisedt.com

* The Purple Server http://www.purpletech.com/server/

* Java Communicating Sequential Processes

This product contains the software Java Communicating Sequential Processes ("JCSP") developed by the University of Kent at Canterbury. The latest JCSP release may be obtained at:http://www.cs.ukc.ac.uk/projects/ofa/jcsp/.

* Java Service Wrapper http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org/doc/english/

* Web Services Description Language for Java Toolkit

* JExcelApi http://sourceforge.net/projects/jexcelapi

* JLDAP http://www.openldap.org/jldap

* Cool Menus

This product includes the Cool Menus software developed by Thomas Brattli.Copyright (c) 2001 Thomas Brattli (webmaster@dhtmlcentral.com). For a complete license go to: http://www.dhtmlcentral.com/projects/coolmenus.

* JBoss

* Hypersonic SQL

* eXist Open Source native XML database

Technorati :


What is RRC?

说明:Redberri Remote Client (RRC)对应的是开源版本中的SBIE

Supply Chain Integration with Redberri Remote Client

The Redberri Remote Client (RRC)is a Webservice client for the commercial version of BIE. Imagine the possibilities ofbeing able to translate, transform and transmit data at any given interval fromyour small business trading partners. You hold the remote control to the data.

RRC was designed with three goals in mind:transport data to and from BIE, have a small resource footprint, and be entirelymanaged from a remote location.

RRC is very affordable, licensed on a perinstance basis under a commercial license agreement. It is also included withRedberri 6.0, the commercially licensed and branded version of BIE. To learnmore about Redberri go to www.redberri.com

RRC communicates with Redberri via Webservices. It generally uses SSL to encrypt all communications, but can workwithout SSL if necessary.

RRC triggers all communications andconnects on demand with BIE. This allows RRC to work through firewalls andproxy servers. The client-only only communication also means that the machinethat RRC is running on does not need to have a static IP address. This is idealwhen the RRC user is working over a modem, DSL, or in a cable modem environmentwhere IP addresses tend to change frequently.

RRC was designed with low-speed high-faultconnections like dial-up in mind. RRC has been tested with as low as a 14.4kbps modem. It also gracefully recovers from down or severed connections,resending its message at a later time if communication is not successful. RRC allows easy connectivity between tradingpartners that do not have cutting-edge technology in place.


Remote configuration. An administrator canconfigure all RRCs connecting to that Redberri from the Dashboard. This makesfor very convenient remote configuration. Also, since Redberri's dashboard isweb-based, the administrator can log in from home, the office, or on the roadto configure all the RRCs.

Remote upgrades. The administrator need nothave personnel at the RRC installation for an upgrade. All of RRC's components(except for the bootstrapper) can be upgraded from the Redberri's dashboard.

Small footprint. RRC has been tested on manyoperating systems including Mac OSX, Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP, and Linux. Itrequires only 32MB of RAM and less than 30MB of disk space (which includes theJRE). Specialized installs can also be created for even lower requirements.

Low requirements. Though Java 1.4 isrecommended for RRC, it will also run on Java 1.3. RRC will work over slowdial-up connections as low as 14.4 kbps.

Scheduled communications. RRC services are scheduledto run at the intervals the administrator sets. This means that RRC will not becommunicating with Redberri constantly, but rather only when it needs to, thus,reducing bandwidth overhead.

Pluggable services. RRC's service modules arepluggable using a simple Java API. This allows new services to be added to RRCquickly and easily. The best part is that the services are installed remotelyfrom Redberri's Dashboard.


BIE网站上未提供SBIE下载,但BIE sourceforge的CVS中有源码。下载后整理,可用。

启动客户端之前需在BIE dashboard中修改global setting,将remote client management设为enabled(默认是Disabled)。设置保存后需重启BIE服务,之后在System菜单下增加了两个与RRC有关的菜单项。

Technorati :


Figure 1. Requirements Bill of Rights for Software Customers
As a software customer, you have the right to:
1. Expect analysts to speak your language.
2. Expect analysts to learn about your business and your objectives for the system.
3. Expect analysts to structure the requirements information you present into a software
requirements specification.
4. Have developers explain requirements work products.
5. Expect developers to treat you with respect and to maintain a collaborative and professional attitude.
6. Have analysts present ideas and alternatives both for your requirements and for
7. Describe characteristics that will make the product easy and enjoyable to use.
8. Be presented with opportunities to adjust your requirements to permit reuse of existing
software components.
9. Be given good-faith estimates of the costs, impacts, and trade-offs when you request a
requirement change.
10. Receive a system that meets your functional and quality needs, to the extent that those needs
have been communicated to the developers and agreed upon.

Figure 2. Requirements Bill of Responsibilities for Software Customers
As a software customer, you have the responsibility to:
1. Educate analysts about your business and define jargon.

2. Spend the time to provide requirements, clarify them, and iteratively flesh them out.

3. Be specific and precise about the system's requirements.

4. Make timely decisions about requirements when requested to do so.

5. Respect developers' assessments of cost and feasibility.

6. Set priorities for individual requirements, system features, or use cases.

7. Review requirements documents and prototypes.

8. Promptly communicate changes to the product's requirements.

9. Follow the development organization's defined requirements change process.

10. Respect the requirements engineering processes the developers use.

Technorati :

Technorati :




  1. 才-写生传神的手笔;=》运用语言文辞的表达能力
  2. 学-细密的考证功夫;=》积累丰富的学问和生活经验
  3. 识-远大的见识。=》对事务有正确深刻的分析认识


  1. 对编程语言的细致了解与熟练运用;
  2. 对电脑方方面面知识的了解;
  3. 对软件应用领域有正确深刻的分析和认识。


Technorati :



http://localhost:5803/ 常规 HTTP端口
http://localhost:5803/ SSL HTTP端口
5802 FTP端口(BIE 内置的FTP server)
5891 HSQLDB端口,参见BIE_DB.properties
http://localhost:5803/services WebService列表
http://localhost:5803/web-console JBoss服务器Web管理界面

upgradeDir用于存放从BIE server下载的jar包。




Technorati :


BIE Quick Tutorial BIE快速入门

The Business Integration Engine (BIE) is a full java-based application to application integration server. It competes directly with applications like Microsoft BizTalk, but is truly cross-platform since it is written in Java.

BIE是一个完全用Java开发的应用集成服务器。它完全实现了Microsoft BizTalk的功能,但因用java写的而有真正跨平台能力。

As easy to use as BIE is, it is still a very complex system. Getting started can be a tremendous challenge to say the least. This is a short guide to demonstrate BIE's power, and also to get you started using BIE as quickly as possible.


Before we get started, there are a few things we should note. This is not meant to be a comprehensive reference guide, for that get yourself a copy of the BIE Docs. This document is also not meant to be a complete training guide, for that check out WDI's comprehensive list of training programs. And finally, we're assuming that you've already downloaded and installed the latest copy of BIE.

在开始之前,我们应当注意几点。首先,本文不是一个完整的参考指南,那需要从BIE Docs获得。其次,本文也不是完整的培训指南,那需要从WDI的完整培训程序清单。最后,我们假定你已经下载和安装了BIE的最新版。

l 1、Familiarize Yourself

The first thing you should do is familiarize yourself with BIE and it's main components. Take a few minutes to view all of the pages in the BIE dashboard. The main areas of interest are under the "Configurations" and "Reports" headings in the navigation. You don't need to know what each of these things are or how to use them just yet. Instead, know where they are so that when we reference them later you can find them quickly.

首先要做的是熟悉BIE和它的主要组件。花几分钟查看BIE dashboard的所有页面。值得关注的主要区域是"配置"和"报表"菜单。不需你知道这些内容是什么或怎样使用,相反,只要知道它们在哪儿,当在后文引用时能迅速找到就行。

l 2、The Process 流程

In order to show you how to use BIE, we need a business process. In this case we've created a fictional purchase order transaction between Jones Publishing and Smith Printing. Jones Publishing wants to send a purchase order to Smith Printing to get some materials printed for an upcoming publication. The following is minimally how the process will flow:

Jones Publishing will generate a purchase order (PO) as a comma separated values (CSV) file.

The PO will enter Smith Printing's BIE server.

The PO will be translated from Smith Printing's PO format to Smith Printing's order format, which is a custom XML format.

The order will then be handed off to some internal system at Smith Printing for processing.

为展示怎么使用BIE,我们需要一个业务流程。在本案例中我们假设一个虚构的在Jones Publishing和Smith Printing 之间的订购单交易。Jones Publishing要送一个订购单给Smith Printing……。下面简单说明该流程:

Jones Publishing生成一个订购单(PO)-一个CSV文件;

订购单将传入Smith Pringting的BIE服务器;

订购单将被从Smith Pringting的PO格式转换为Smith Printing的订单格式,那是一种定制的XML格式;


l 3、Documents and Translation 文档和转换

Once you know what a process looks like, you then need to define the documents as W3C Schemas and create a map between those two formats. For the sake of expediency we've created the schemas and map for you.

To see the map open the BIE map builder. On Windows this can typically be found in c:\bie\bin\mapper.exe and in Linux and UNIX environments it can typically be found in /usr/local/bie/bin/map.sh.


为查看映射定义需启动BIE MapBuilder。在Windows系统中为c:\bie\bin\mapper.exe,在Linux和Unix环境中是/usr/local/bie/bin/map.sh。

Once you've opened the Map Builder, click on the icon that looks like a folder in the toolbar. When prompted select Jones2Smith.xml and click on the "open" button to load the map. Depending upon the speed of your system it may take a few moments to load the map. When it's loaded you should now have a screen that looks like this:

[Click to view what the Map Builder looks like.]


Notice that on the left we have the CSV document format of Jones Publishing, which is very flat. On the right we have the XML document format of Smith Printing, which has some heirarchy as most XML documents do.

The lines inbetween the two sides represent the mapping of individual fields. To map one field to another you simply click on a field on the left, and drag your mouse to a field on the right. If the document is too large to drag directly, you can access the clipboard by right-clicking on any field on the left and then paste by right clicking on any field on the right.

Also note the box labeled "multiply". That is a macro that, as its name implies, multiplies two fields and then the result can be fed into an element of the other document, or it can be fed into another macro for additional processing. To see the other macros available, right click in the center of the screen.

Behind the scenes the map builder is actually generating XSL. To see the resultant XSL click on the compile icon in the toolbar. It is the second to last icon on the right of the toolbar.

Now close the map builder, and be sure not to save any changes you made or the rest of the tutorial will fail.

注意左边的是Jones Publishing的CSV文档格式。右边的是Smith Pringting的XML文档格式。左右两栏之间的线条代表个字段间的映射关系。要映射两个字段你只需点击左边的某个字段,拖动鼠标放到右侧的一个字段上即可。如文档太大,不能在屏幕上直接连线,可以通过右键点击菜单的clipboard功能。




l 4、Document Parsing 文档解析

BIE cannot translate or otherwise manipulate anything other than XML, therefore every document must be transformed to XML. Luckily BIE has a number of document parsers built in to perform these transformations between various formats and XML.

Open your BIE dashboard, log in, and click on the "Message Formats" page under the "Configurations" heading. You'll notice a list of message formats (or document parsers) that have already been configured, including the Jones PO.

Click on the Jones PO document format configuration in the list. It will then appear at the bottom of the page. Notice that there are a number of configuration parameters. Each type of message format has its own set of parameters. A detailed list of all the message formats, and their parameters can be found in the BIE docs.

We've already configured everything for you in this case, so let's move on.


打开BIE dashboard,登陆,点击"配置"下的"Message Formats"菜单,你会看到消息格式格式清单,列出了已配置好的消息格式,包括JonesPO。

l 5、Maps 映射

We've already talked a little bit about how maps are created in the map builder, but in order for BIE to use a map, it must have a copy. If you develop your map on the same machine as your BIE server, then the map will already be installed. Otherwise you can upload it by clicking on the "Maps" link under the "Configurations" heading in the BIE dashboard.

Note that we've already done this for you as well.


l 6、Routes 路由

Routes, or business processes, are defined using BIE's route builder. Click on the "Routes" link under the "Configurations" heading in the BIE dashboard. Now you'll see a list of the routes installed in your system, and whether they are enabled or disabled.

You should see the JonesPubPO route. Click on it.

[Click to see what the process builder looks like.]

You are now in the process builder. You can see a visual representation of the process. The series of rounded gray boxes down the left represent the process. The individual rounded boxes are called actions. The square boxes directly to the right of the actions represent what document(s) are being dealt with in a particular action. And to the right of the documents are icons that represent what is actually happening to the document inside the action。

Let's talk about what's going on in this route. First we receive a document called "Jones_CSV", which is what initiates or triggers this route. Next we log the incoming document so that we have a copy of it in case we need to diagnose a problem later. Then we convert the Jones PO to the Smith Order using the map we discussed earlier. Next we log a copy of the translated document, so we can diagnose a problem if needed. Then we write the Jones Order to the file system. And finally, we tell BIE to send a copy of the original document back to the sender.

In the step where we write the Jones Order to the file system, we could have instead inserted it into a database, sent it out over a web service to some application server, or dumped it to an FTP server for processing. We have used the file system in this case so that you can test the BIE without setting up some external system to connect to. You can select "add an action" link to view a list of available actions.

Also, in the final step, we specify that the route should send back the original document to the sender. This step is skipped in most protocols, but some protocols are capable of real-time round-trip. This means that they send you one document and expect another back. Web services are an example of a protocol that supports this functionality. Instead of the original document, we could also have sent back a receipt for the purchase order, or maybe even an advanced ship notice (ASN).

l 7、Set Up The Demo 设置示例

Now that we've covered some of the basic components, let's set up a demonstration so you can see BIE in action.

First, assuming you're still on the route builder page, scroll to the top of the page and click on the link that reads "enable this route." This will tell BIE that we wish to being servicing requests for this route.

Now click on the "System" link under the "Configuration" heading in the menu. Scroll down to the file system listener section. Enable the file system listener, and set the watch interval to "5" seconds. Also make note of the watch directory path as we'll need it later. Now scroll to the bottom of the page and click "save".

After making changes to system settings, we need to restart the BIE server. On Windows restart the service. On UNIX style systems just run stop and start from the command line.


l 8、Run The Demo 运行示例

To run the demo we first need to get the sample Jones Purchase Order document. It can be found in the translation/data folder of your BIE install. On most UNIX style systems it can be found here:


And on Windows environments, it can be found here:


Rename the file from JonesPO.csv to Jones2Smith.csv. What this does is tells BIE that this file should be processed with the Jones2Smith route. If we wanted to put our own identifier on the file we could also call the file Jones2Smith_foobar.csv.

BIE has the ability to accept input via multiple protocols including FTP, webservices, HTTP, HTTPS, and by watching a directory. For this example, we will be using the file system watched directory. More information on the available listeners can be found in the BIE docs.

Since we will be placing our file in the watched directory, we need to tell BIE which route to run. This is done via an identifier in the filename. Notice that the name of the file is the same as the route that we would like to run. BIE will use all characters in the filename up to a .(dot) or _ (underscore) as the route identifier. Since the JonesPubPO.csv file already contains the route identifier we can continue to the next step.

Now we need to copy the file into the watch directory that we noted in the last step. Unless you changed it, the folder can be found in the data/filesystem/watch folder of your BIE install. On UNIX style systems this can typically be found here:


And on Windows environments, it can be found here:


Within 5 seconds (because that's the time we told BIE to wait between checking for documents) BIE should pick up the document, and process it.

l 9、Results 结果

Now that we've processed a document with BIE, we can finally see the fruits of our labor. Let's first look in the folder where BIE was supposed to drop the document. It can be found in the data/filesystem/out folder in your BIE install. On UNIX style systems this can typically be found here:


And on Windows environments it can be found here:


Go ahead and open the document to verify that it is indeed XML.

Now, open the dashboard, log in, and click on the link called "Transactions" under the "Reports" heading in the menu.

You should now see a list of the transactions that have been logged by BIE. At this point there is probably only one with a transaction ID of 1000. Click on the transaction ID to view the details of the transaction.

Initially you should see the incoming document. It should look like a mess of text with commas separating each field. If you click on the link under "Mark 2", you should then see the translated document. This should look like a very clean XML document.

l 10、Conclusion 总结

You've now completed this brief tutorial. You should revisit any parts that were unclear to see if they now make sense, since you've seen a whole process in action. Keep in mind that this is a very simple process, compared to what BIE is capable of.

Now that you've seen the power of BIE, you should easily recognize how much time it can save integrating business processes, over the traditional methods of custom coding. Users that are familiar with BIE can typically build processes in BIE in a tenth of the time it would take them to build the process from scratch.


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Google Picasa上的BIE图片库:


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BIE makes it easy for you to integrate your internal systems, your trading partners, and even your web site.
Simple and EasySBIE Use the Small Business Integration Engine (SBIE) to integrate your smaller trading partners easily and inexpensively. Runs Anywhere Don't change your operating systems or applications, BIE can run almost anywhere to suit your needs. Notifications Be the first to know when there is a problem with BIE notifications so that you can be back up and running quickly. BIE Route Builder Define your business processes visually through BIE's web-based route builder. Simple Install BIE's simple installation, and low number of dependencies means you can be up and running in less than an hour. Manage From Anywhere Whether you're in a meeting, on the road, or at your home office, you can manage your BIE server through it's intuitive web-based interface. BIE Map Builder Easily define complex translation mappings with our drag and drop mapping application. Automatic Schemas Generate W3C compliant schemas for just about any file format without ever touching an XML editor.
Integrate EverywherePlug-in API A rich set of pluggable API's exist to extend BIE to support any protocol, document format, validation, or virtually anything else you might need. XML Web Services Use XML web services to exchange data with modern business applications. FTP Send and receive documents easily to almost any system using the widely support File Transfer Protocol (FTP). HIPAA BIE supports the documents, protocols, and security standards defined by the 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). EDI X12 Natively read and write EDI X12 documents for use with EDI Value-Added Network Services (VANS) and other EDI applications. HTTP and HTTPS Send and receive data with trading partners by using HTTP and securely over the Internet using HTTPS. SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1 is fully supported by BIE. SMTP Send data using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). XSLT Transform documents to virtually any format using Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT).
Flexible LicensingCommercial License The commercial license program provides a cost effective option for you if you are thinking of branding and distributing BIE, integrating BIE into your commercial products, constructing a custom, commercial solution for your client, or providing your organization a way to utilize BIE without the GPL. SBIE Many integration applications don't require full EAI tool capabilities at each point of integration. SBIE provides an ideal solution for these applications. SBIE is available under a very affordable commercial license. It was built to help you get all of your trading partners (including very small ones with less than leading edge technology) integrated in a cost-effective manner. Dual Licensing WDI provide licenses to suit the needs of your organization, network, and business model. Choose the one that's right for you. Free Software Downloa

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What is SBIE? SBIE (Small Business Integration Engine) is a BIE client that can connect trading partners with unstable connections or small hardware to BIE. For more information email info@brunswickwdi.com [top of list] Are there any business cases that have successfully implemented BIE? Yes and we will be glad to share some of our experiences with you and advise you how to use BIE to meet your business needs. For more information email info@brunswickwdi.com [top of list] Why would WDI create a product like this? Good Question. As a part of Brunswick, we created BIE to solve problems that we live, breath, and troubleshoot on a day-to-day basis. [top of list] Is BIE expensive? Absolutely not. The software is free, lowering your total implementation cost. BIE is affordable for large or small businesses. [top of list] How secure is our data? We have encryption...BIE is completely secure. The data can also be stored wherever you feel most comfortable. [top of list]


Do I need Java to run BIE? Yes. The Windows and Linux installers come with Java packaged in them. You need Java 1.4 and above. [top of list] What OS platforms are supported? BIE will run on any OS (Operating Systems) that supports a Java 1.4.jre. Typically this means any modern 32-bit or 64-bit operating system like Unix, Windows, Linux, or BSD. [top of list] What language is BIE written in? Java. Specifically J2EE Java 1.4. [top of list] Does BIE support web services? Yes, BIE uses web services as its primary transport mechanism. [top of list] We have "homegrown" functionality, will this work? Yes. BIE is highly flexible and scalable. We have found that we adapt well to most technologies currently in place. [top of list] How does BIE translate documents? It translates data between two W3C XML schemas using XSL. [top of list] Do I need to know Java to use BIE? It depends on what you want to do. If you wish to write new transport layers then yes, but if your only concern is doing translation and using the system then you don't need to know any Java. [top of list] What does the architecture look like? You tell us. BIE allows you to set up a variety of what we call business models. You can host BIE, someone else can host BIE for you, or each player can host their own BIE. [top of list]

Trading Partners

Some of my business partners only have dial-up connection. Can I integrate with them using BIE? Yes. We have successfully integrated business partners who have only dial-up connections. For more information please email us at info@brunswickwdi.com [top of list] Do all my business partners need BIE? No. Your business partners may use SBIE to integrate with your own infrastructure. We can help you to assess your needs and infrastructure. For more information, please contact our support team. [top of list] How will this help my trading partners? BIE allows your trading partners to use their own documents and systems to conform to your system requirements. This eliminates the double entry (and data entry mistakes) common with portal or extranet solutions. [top of list]

BIE - For Users

Can I schedule routes to run when I need them to? Yes, BIE has a flexible scheduler component under the listeners section of the Dashboard. You can instruct routes to run on a predefined interval. [top of list] How do I add new features and get support for BIE? You can contact us for support and custom features. Also, consider our Fund-A-Feature program. [top of list] Can BIE be run as a Windows service? Yes. You can integrate BIE with Java Wrapper Service and runs it as a Windows service. In addition, we have eased your pain a little by providing the wrapper.conf and InstallBIE-NT.bat file in the installation. [top of list] What is the default login when I first install BIE? The username is: admin and the password is: 123qwe [top of list] I've downloaded the sofware, now how do I get started? There is an installation HOWTO available at http://www.brunswickwdi.com/installation. A quick tutorial on running the sample route is also available at http://www.brunswickwdi.com/quick_tutorial. [top of list] What data types can BIE transform? Pretty much anything. Out of the box it can transform delimited files (CSV, Tab, etc), fixed width files, and even relational data like an SQL database. You can also plug in additional transformation parsers if you need something special. [top of list] Can BIE only translate XML documents? Yes and no. BIE's translation engine uses XML, therefore it can only translate XML documents. However, BIE can transform all sorts of data types to and from XML. That means BIE can actually translate almost any data type. [top of list] What other transport layers does BIE support? BIE has a pluggable architecture so we can add virtually any transport mechanism. BIE supports HTTP (Post & WS), HTTPS (Post & WS), SMTP, File System, and FTP (Put & Get). [top of list]


My install/upgrade failed. What do I do next? Installation and upgrade log files are generated in the logs directory by the installer. An error report should be available there. [top of list] How do I create a new SSL for BIE? You can create new SSL Certificates for BIE. Further information can be found within BIE Docs [top of list]


PROFILE_NOT_FOUND-The configuration profile was not found in data base. Production No SystemProfile with name='Production'." This error usually occurs when the initial database load failed, or the data in the database has become corrupt. Run a select * from SystemProfile sql command from the machine running bie with a MySQL client to validate that the data is there and it can be accessed. [top of list] What databases are supported? BIE does not support any database other than MySQL for its internal configuration data. Any database that has a jdbc driver available can be used by the workflow engine to query external data sources. To use a third party driver, you will need to add the drivers jar file to the classpath in start.bat or start.sh. The driver can then be specified in the sql type actions. [top of list]

What kind of Schema support is built into the Map Builder? The Map Builder supports the W3C Schema standard. Other schema lanugages can be supported by adding new Schema interpreters. [top of list] Do I need to know how to build a schema to use the Map Builder? BIE's Dashboard has a W3C Schema generating component that can create Schemas for you. On the BIE Dashboard go to: Message Formatters -> Add/Edit Format -> Generate Schema [top of list] Do I need to know XML or XSLT in order to use the Map Builder? No. The Map Builder has a drag and drop GUI which works for users who do not know XML or XSLT. [top of list]

Technorati :


* I installed BIE. What next?
* I installed BIE, but nothing happens when I go to http://localhost:5803.
* How do I build and run from CVS?
* Can I change the session timeout for the dashboard?
* My dom.dbx file keeps growing.
* Can I view the internal Hypersonic Database?
* Can I view the data in the internal eXist xml database?
* How do I change the logging level?
* Can I replace the internal Hypersonic database with database X?

1. 已经安装了BIE,下一步怎么做?
BIE dashboard的入口是http://localhost:5803. 默认用户名为"admin",密码"123qwe"。

2. 安装了BIE后,进入http://localhost:5803什么也没看到?

3. 如何从CVS构建和运行BIE?
源码:首先从sourceforge获得源码. 相关步骤参见http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=79291;
构建:转到源码第一级目录下,执行"ant dist";
配置:转到dist目录下执行"ant installdb"
运行:执行"ant run" from the dist directory.

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bie login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bie co -P bie
ant dist
cd dist
ant installdb
ant run
执行ant run后,你可以进入http://localhost:5803

4. 我可以改变BIE dashboard的会话超时配置吗?

5. 我的dom.dbx文件不断的增大.
文件dom.dbx由系统自带的xml数据库eXist使用。在6.0.4版, 这个文件不会清理. 但这个文件可以手工删除,系统会自动重新创建.

6. 我可以查看内置的Hypersonic数据库中存放的数据吗?
1). 启动
java -cp $BIE_HOME$/services/jboss/server/default/lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager
2). 配置
Type: HSQL Database Engine In-Memory
Driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
URL: jdbc:hsqldb:$BIE_HOME$/services/hypersonic/BIE
User: sa
Password: BIE

登陆后,可以执行SQL语句,如:select * from ActivityMetaData。

7. 可以查看内置的eXist xml数据库中的数据吗?
1). 启动eXist服务器实例
2). 启动管理客户端
BIE_HOME/services/eXist/bin/client.bat -ouri=xmldb:exist://
3). You should now see an authentication box. Leave the password blank and click OK.
4). In the admin client double click the "bie" collection and you should see a list of files.

The admin client also has the ability to run queries and make back ups for your data. For more info check out

8. 如何改变日志级别?
BIE日志记录采用log4j. log4j配置文件在目录$BIE_HOME$/services/jboss/server/default/conf下.

9. 可以用其他数据库替换内置的Hypersonic数据库吗?

1. 创建MySQL数据库和帐号
2. 安装BIE
3. 编辑$BIE_HOME$/conf/BIE_DB.properties替换MYsql连接信息
4. 编辑$BIE_HOME$/deploy/jboss/bie.sar/META-INF/BIE_DB-ds.xml替换Mysql连接信息
5. 替换$BIE_HOME$/util/create.sql中的SQL语句使之支持mysql
6. 执行"ant installdb"

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BIE-GPL 6.0.5

BIE-gpl 6.0.5与bie 6.0.4的不同

  • BIE-gpl offers html multiform mail support
  • BIE-gpl offers html transaction viewer
  • BIE-gpl proposes an SSHExec plugin
  • BIE-gpl proposes a groovyAction-JSR03 plugin

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lifebang.com - 生活帮是一个以lifehack和GTD内容为主,分享生活小窍门和学习工作的技巧的中文网志。这个网志的副标题是"我们都是和自己赛跑的人",很有同感。不过,我想这应该是对现状的描述,而不是目标。我们的目标应该是通过方法、理念和工具等提高工作效率,让我们有更多的时间来享受生活,不至于时时刻刻和时间赛跑、和自己赛跑。


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Google Picasa上的BIE图片库:
Jul 4, 2005 - 47 Photos

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Google 使用技巧

1、问题:通过[*** filetype:ppt]搜到了一个ppt文件,发现内容很不错,再看它的路径是cn/download/b/b18.ppt
             搜索[*** site:* filetype:ppt],找到了50多个ppt文件,都可以通过google的搜索结果下载。
2、问题:Google blog search 搜索任何单词都找不到任何记录
       解决:去掉preferences中Search Language的设置

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推荐一个分享生活窍门/时间管理的网站 lifebang.com - 生活帮是一个以lifehack和GTD内容为主,分享生活小窍门和学习工作的技巧的中文网志。 这个网志的副标题是“我们都是和自己赛跑的人”,很有同感。不过,我想这应该是对现状的描述,而不是目标。我们的目标应该是通过方法、理念和工具等提高工作效率,让我们有更多的时间来享受生活,不至于时时刻刻和时间赛跑、和自己赛跑。


Business Integration Engine (BIE) is the flagship product of a development company hoping to make waves in the software integration market. The company is Web Den Interactive (WDI). Described as "intriguing" by Patrick McGovern, the Director of SourceForge.net, BIE looks like an early contender in the relatively healthy market for integration software. How healthy? According to the Aberdeen Group, there are certain corporate wants and needs that are going to drive the increase of Enterprise Business Integration revenues up 8% to $3.9B this year.

File it under spending money to save money. In fact, Aberdeen states, in these tough times, EBI spending will grow faster than overall IT spending even though EBI revenues declined in 2002. Similarly, Gartner Group has labeled software integration as one of the fastest growing areas in IT, estimating the worldwide integration market to reach $10.5 billion in 2006. Michele Lambert, general manager, WDI, is not surprised: "I know a lot of companies that are trying to hold on to the systems they already have and looking for ways to integrate what they already have. They're looking for ways to push the data to whomever they need to push it."

WDI is actually a division of Lake Forest, Ill.-based Brunswick Corporation, Lambert's parent company. She says Brunswick is a good example of that general industry need. Brunswick's developers first built the software in-house so that they could transfer data. Brunswick is a manufacturer of boats and marine engines, fitness equipment, and products for bowling and billiards. That adds up to do-or-die efficiencies in technology to support the chain of communications and documentation that are involved in a manufacturing company's business dealings with all its trading partners.

"We have a lot of legacy systems sitting behind our firewalls," says Lambert. "We try to control our costs by not reinvesting but integrating what we already have; we had to be flexible and extensible." Finding a way to exchange data across different platforms without paying high software fees had them focused on evolving an integration system that would be platform-independent. According to Lambert, "We had a lot of different companies, too, through mergers and acquisitions and we needed a system that could integrate with just about anything."

Brunswick started development of the BIE product two years ago; it started 'Brunswick New Technologies' last year and made 'Web Den Interactive' the technology development division of Brunswick New Technologies. In May, WDI announced it was taking BIE Open Source. In that move, the software is being distributed as Open Source under the GNU GPL, through WDI's web site and on SourceForge.net.

Making BIE Open Source gives businesses the ability to fulfill this critical need bypassing commercial software. While BIE was intended as an internal project, says T.J. Chung, president of Brunswick New Technologies, seeing how easy it was to use, and how effective at solving the challenges that manufacturers face with their independent dealer networks, had Brunswick conclude that "other organizations could benefit from BIE as well."

But goodness of heart is not the sole reason a business, in going commercial, decides to make its product Open Source. Rather, as the WDI's Technology Director said in the WDI press statement in May, "Having all the resources of the Open Source community as part of our development team will help insure that BIE is the most stable, bug-free integration system available."

Business Integration Engine

Transport: Web services
Language: J2EE Java 1.4
Platforms: Any 32-bit or 64-bit OS
Map-building: BIE comes with tool designed to make map-building easy
Document translations: Translates data between two W3C XML schemas using XSL and can transform other data types to and from XML

Lambert, meanwhile, remains highly confident that WDI's BIE debut will be able to compete with established proprietary integration software. "A lot of integration software has different focuses. Some focus on behind the firewall, where there is integration of two applications to one another, maybe CRM links to accounting systems, for example. Other packages focus on through the firewall, integrating to companies within your supply chain and distribution channel. You can say that is our niche. BIE can serve both." And their target audience is none other than the Fortune 1000, along with their dealers and suppliers.

Lambert is also confident that WDI's business model-giving away the software but relying on revenue from service and support-is right for WDI. They are following the tiered support-level model: "bronze" for unlimited online correspondence and unlimited access to online support; "silver" for access to the support center, online support, and login support from the WDI team; "gold" for the other services plus telephone access to developers.

A number of companies doing business on Open Source and relying on service and support have gone out of business, we note. Lambert is not fazed. The publicist listening in on our call interjects that Red Hat and MySQL are certainly strong examples of Open Source companies with technologies that have achieved business growth. "My goal is to add BIE to that list," says Lambert.

"We took a look at what we do very well and where we could bring in revenue from outside, and the answer was our development and project management strengths," she says. "Our core competency is planning and implementing integration projects. We provide support and professional services particularly with Internet technologies. Open Source gives us the ability to get our name out faster."

Indeed, if employment sites are any indication of a company's skills set, the one at WDI indicates Internet developer strengths. "You could call us caffeine-driven webheads if you liked... we wouldn't care. We thrive on blistering discussions about elegant code and putting real solutions into users' hands," says a company description.

Response to the Open Source release has been "wonderful" so far, says Lambert, and after only days of the BIE announcement, she says there were people posting to their open discussion group.

Under the BIE hood is BMPI's Business Process Modeling Language. BMPI stands for Business Process Management Initiative. This is a non-profit doing something very close to Brunswick Corporation and other manufacturers' hearts: It defines its activity as a group that empowers companies to operate business processes "that span all multiple applications and business partners, behind the firewall and over the Internet."

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BIE CaseStudy(OpenGroupware)




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BIE CaseStudy(IDS)

IDS Integration

The Business Situation

The marine and recreational vehicle industry may be all about play, but managing dealerships is serious business - especially for Integrated Dealer Systems (IDS). As the top provider of management systems for the RV and marine industries, IDS develops complete software solutions for more than 6,500 users across North America. IDS offers turnkey and customized systems, integrating hardware, software, and network configurations to help dealers better manage their businesses.

While IDS is a clear leader in the industry, the company was seeking to enhance its value to RV and marine dealers and manufacturers by expanding its ability to integrate dealer applications with the supply chain applications at the manufacturer end.

The Challenge

With no set standards for technology, software or systems in either the RV or marine industry, IDS faced the challenges created by the use of multiple software programs, outmoded technologies, and a wide variety of operating systems and hardware, both among dealerships and manufacturers. While IDS has the in-house capabilities to develop effective custom integration systems for specific dealer-manufacturer scenarios, maintaining and upgrading these custom systems in a cost-effective and timely manner is difficult. IDS was seeking a system design that could be quickly and easily replicated, all or in part, for broader distribution and use - especially with moderate-sized dealers that can't afford the cost of customization. Such an approach will greatly broaden the market for IDS and enhance the company's positioning.

The Solution

After developing a number of custom integration tools for manufacturers, as well as running "betas" on a variety of integration software programs, IDS chose the Business Integration Engine (BIE) as their integration platform. "BIE provided the flexibility and adaptability IDS needed to work with larger dealers with their own servers and networks, as well as smaller dealers that want an IDS-provided integration hub," said Grant Farrer, Director of Research and Development, IDS.

One key for the success of BIE in this environment is its ability to use java and XML technologies. This allows IDS to address the integration needs of manufacturers regardless of their own internal standards. And because BIE functions independent of a specific database and operating system, additional investment in hardware and software may not be required, making integration more attractive to industry manufacturers.

One additional asset to IDS is the monitoring and configuration tools that are part of BIE. They make administrative tasks simpler and adding functionality more efficient.

Bottom Line Results

While still early in the adoption process, in one program alone IDS has already seen significant improvements in the financial and implementation timeline. This is because BIE can handle more transactions with less hardware than other integration tools, and it does so at licensing fees up to 50% lower than that of other software solutions. BIE is delivering measurable results including:

• Up to 50% lower costs than options with comparable functionality

• Implementation time shortened by 30%

• Higher CSI scores resulting from faster implementation and more efficient upgrades

• Flexibility to meet the needs of the full range of customers, from small dealers to large manufacturers

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