
BIE解剖-附件(BIE developer resume)

BIE是一个非常不错的系统。但BIE的资料实在很少,官方提供的文档需要付费,但在其论坛中发现,好像付了钱还不一定能收到货,唉,有了商业版 Redberri,开源版就歇菜了。不过幸好现在有了另一个开源项目bie-gpl。说远了,总之就是想表达一个意思-为了了解bie,任何资料都不能放过。

Senior Developer

WDI (a division of Brunswick Corporation), Vernon Hills, IL

  • Built enterprise Java applications for Brunswick divisions and clients.
  • Lead developer on BIE (branded commercially as Redberri), WDI's flagship EAI application:

Built on JBoss, with a business process engine exploiting JMS for highly concurrent and loosely coupled execution, with a web-based interface built with standard J2EE- tools.

-Features connectors into and out of a wise array of systems (including SQL and non-SQL databases, file systems, HTTP/FTP/SCP and web services) and EDI document formats (including XML, CSV, ANS X12, UN/EDIFACT, HL7, and SAP IDOC).

Involved heavy use of XSL, XPath, and visual mapping tools for document translation.

  • · Lead architect and developer for SBIE, a lightweight distributed agent/application server used as an integration client with BIE:

Business-critical component in client integration projects.

Designed for centralized configuration and update, with no required user interaction.

Tailored for deployment in resource limited, disconnected, and intermittent systems.

Written in Java, with custom class loading, SSL/HTTPS, file system management, remote monitoring, and SOAP components.

  • Drove client project development, including project conception; requirements analysis and gathering; estimation and cost analysis; delivery and deployment; and maintenance and support.
  • Administered developer resources, including CVS, Red Hat/Fedora Linux, SMB, NFS, MySQL, automated build and test environment.
  • Heavy exposure to EAI, BI, and SOA technology, including BMPL, BPEL/BPEL4WS, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, and B2B/B2C e-commerce.
  • Nurtured active open source community for BIE.
  • Mentored junior developers and interns.

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