Senior Developer WDI (a division of Brunswick Corporation), Vernon Hills, IL |
- Built enterprise Java applications for Brunswick divisions and clients.
- Lead developer on BIE (branded commercially as Redberri), WDI's flagship EAI application:
- Built on JBoss, with a business process engine exploiting JMS for highly concurrent and loosely coupled execution, with a web-based interface built with standard J2EE- tools.
-Features connectors into and out of a wise array of systems (including SQL and non-SQL databases, file systems, HTTP/FTP/SCP and web services) and EDI document formats (including XML, CSV, ANS X12, UN/EDIFACT, HL7, and SAP IDOC).
- Involved heavy use of XSL, XPath, and visual mapping tools for document translation.
- · Lead architect and developer for SBIE, a lightweight distributed agent/application server used as an integration client with BIE:
- Business-critical component in client integration projects.
- Designed for centralized configuration and update, with no required user interaction.
- Tailored for deployment in resource limited, disconnected, and intermittent systems.
- Written in Java, with custom class loading, SSL/HTTPS, file system management, remote monitoring, and SOAP components.
- Drove client project development, including project conception; requirements analysis and gathering; estimation and cost analysis; delivery and deployment; and maintenance and support.
- Administered developer resources, including CVS, Red Hat/Fedora Linux, SMB, NFS, MySQL, automated build and test environment.
- Heavy exposure to EAI, BI, and SOA technology, including BMPL, BPEL/BPEL4WS, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, and B2B/B2C e-commerce.
- Nurtured active open source community for BIE.
- Mentored junior developers and interns.
Technorati : IT