* Axis, Xerces. Xalan, Commons, and WSIF, JSTL
* Ronab FTP Server
* ByteArrayDataSource.java
* Kunststoff Look&Feel www.incors.org.
* ExoLab http://www.exolab.org
* NSIS http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Docs/AppendixF.html#F.
* Java FTP Client http://www.enterprisedt.com
* The Purple Server http://www.purpletech.com/server/
* Java Communicating Sequential Processes
This product contains the software Java Communicating Sequential Processes ("JCSP") developed by the University of Kent at Canterbury. The latest JCSP release may be obtained at:http://www.cs.ukc.ac.uk/projects/ofa/jcsp/.
* Java Service Wrapper http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org/doc/english/
* Web Services Description Language for Java Toolkit
* JExcelApi http://sourceforge.net/projects/jexcelapi
* JLDAP http://www.openldap.org/jldap
* Cool Menus
This product includes the Cool Menus software developed by Thomas Brattli.Copyright (c) 2001 Thomas Brattli (webmaster@dhtmlcentral.com). For a complete license go to: http://www.dhtmlcentral.com/projects/coolmenus.
* JBoss
* Hypersonic SQL
* eXist Open Source native XML database